The Hacienda Asphalt


The Rolling Stones put on a hippie festival where they hired the Hell's Angels as security. I thought that was funny. Someone died there. Less funny. Less funny still are all the people in Vietnam who probably had the Rolling Stones as the soundtrack to their own deaths, faceless now. Charlie Watts died a little while ago. Maybe to have a platform in a land built upon and permeated by death is to be arbiters of death yourselves, but that doesn't mean you're immune to it. Is there justice? I don't know. I'm really stream-of-consciousness right now and really brainfogged tf out. Maybe that's what they meant when they accused rock and roll of being the devil's music. Even if that was the case I would suggest they take a look at themselves first. We are all monks to our own beautiful monoliths of suffering. The devil is buried in our Earth.

Prayer is predicated on hope, and I really hope all this prayer does something.