The Hacienda Asphalt


How can YouTube the product be so vile when YouTube the platform could be so wonderful? I deleted my Google accounts recently to detox I guess, but I still find myself using YouTube alot, which is concerning. With my history now null I get the unique pleasure of seeing exclusively front page content farm slop, like peering into entertainment's collective unconscious. When did it get like this? YouTube has the unique position of being able to democratize the creation and distribution of media... and it's thrown this opportunity in pursuit of the dollar, as you do when you're public. Nowhere is this more apparent than with the monolithic, ever-present, godlike 'algorithm'. We cry out in protest of machines creating our content, but machines have been guiding that same content for decades already. Blackrock's Aladdin was made to analyze the market but now drives it. We have relinquished autonomy towards creative self-actualization to eldritch-sized metaphysical objects that do not have our best interests in mind. I think about this whenever I see one of JimmyBeast's thousands of thumbnail homunculi. There's no way a person could have led us to this.

With that I'm trying to figure out what this website is still. I had a vent-zone named 'vomit' to place personal brain-barf that I didn't think would fit here, but the first entry made me realize it's probably not the best idea to put your unfiltered stream-of-consciousness on the internet. IDK, I'm still gonna keep it, just not gonna list it, probably. This is fun, though. I really need to start learning CSS.

Pray for me and I'll pray for you. ð“ƒ